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Our Sand Volleyball Leagues run regularly throughout the year and our tournaments bring out the best players from San Antonio and the surrounding area. We offer leagues for all levels of play from beginner to advanced and always allow open play for those wanting to just pick up a game. League fees are $60.00 per person.

Open Play Mon. thru Fri. is after league play and Sat. and  Sun. all day when no tournaments are scheduled.  $5.00 for adults and $10. for minors.  Minors must be accompanied by a parent after 10pm.

Online Registration

Registration Dates


Jan 18th Spring Spring I

March 8th Spring II

April 26th Summer I

June 14th Summer II

Aug. 2nd Fall I

Sept. 20th. Fall II

Nov. 15th Winter

League Start Dates

Week of: 

Feb. 3rd thru March 17th

March 24th thru May 5th

May 12th thru June 23rd

June 30th thru Aug. 11th 

Aug. 18th thru Sept. 29th

Oct. 6th thru Nov. 17th

Dec. 1st thru Jan. 26th